Scientific Information Agency
09 April 2021

Regulatory provision of healthcare delivery for the members of the military in the first half of the nineteenth century. (through the example of kyivprovince)

Ancient Sumy Land
Regulatory provision of healthcare delivery for the members of the military in the first half of the nineteenth century. (through the example of kyivprovince)

The article analyzes the peculiarities of providing medical care to certain population categories, which are servicemen and disabled war veterans. Servicemen medical service was applied both as publicly-funded and for one’s own account. It has been discovered on the basis of laws and regulations and archival data of the healthcare authorities and institutions that provided it, was investigated the funded status of the medical sector. Consequently, having analyzed the archival sources, laws and regulations, it was concluded that in the first half of the nineteenth century was formed a system of state regulation of medical services for the population generally and for the military as well. Particular attention was given to the military, as they were the base of support for the state, which was constantly in military conflicts. Servicemen and disabled war veterans were treated in military hospitals, also they were sent to city hospitals when there were not enough places.

Source: Morei T.V. (2018). Regulatory provision of healthcare delivery for the members of the military in the first half of the nineteenth century. (through the example of kyivprovince). Ancient Sumy Land. № LІІІ: 40–49

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