Scientific Information Agency
01 May 2018

The romanian scientist about the roads on the Sibiu area

Brukenthal. Acta Musei
The romanian scientist about the roads on the Sibiu area

Although no Roman settlement has been identified in the area occupied by the town of Sibiu, numerous Roman coins (including three hoards) have been found there. This implies a sporadic and transient Roman presence in the form of a secondary road, connecting the settlement of Cedonia with the southern region of the county. This road was probably used to seek refuge when invaders came in this area in the second and the third centuries. It connected in the Seviș Valley with the road linking the Tălmaciu area with the Miercurea — Apold area.

Source: Munteanu C. (2017). Roads in the Area of Sibiu in Prehistory and Antiquity – a Hypothesis. Brukenthal. Acta Musei. 12(1): 45-48.

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