Scientific Information Agency
20 December 2020

Ukrainian Liberal Struggle in Leonid Perfetskyi's battle paintings

European Historical Bulletin
Ukrainian Liberal Struggle in Leonid Perfetskyi's battle paintings

The purpose of the work is to investigate the Ukrainian liberation struggle period displayed in L. Perfeckyiʼs work, the artist-battalist, analyzing the artistic manner and the relevance of the historical events interpretation. The methodology of the research is based on the application of a set of methods: the general theoretical — analysis, systematization, generalization of the studied sources; the historical and the retrospective — to study the artistʼs creation stages and the artistʼs works; the art studies — in order to analyze the general creative style and the artistʼs artistic manner. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time L. Perfeckyiʼs creative heritage in the battle painting sphere is presented as a complete study, which clearly reflects the Ukrainian independence armed struggle period; the attention was also paid to the relationship between the artistʼs direct participation in hostilities and his service in the ranks of the UNR Army with the subsequent creative activity, which influenced the formation of a realistic style of the artist in conjunction with modernist quests. The Conclusions. Unfortunately, the number of artist works were partially lost. However, the preserved ones give an opportunity to think about the artistʼs extraordinary talent and the artistic originality, who witnessed the real events and skillfully embodied them in the artworks. L. Perfetskyi became known as the Ukrainian battalist painter, who managed to reproduce skillfully one of the most difficult periods in Ukrainian history. In addition, Leonidʼs works are supported by his personal view concerning the above-mentioned events as the direct participant. Taking into consideration, the scattered documentary sources, an artistʼs true-to-life image is also important in exploring various aspects of historical events, which makes Leonid Perfetskyiʼs works extremely valuable. Apart from the artistic point of view, Leonid Perfetskyiʼs works are known for their artistic references and searches among the modernist European trends, Cubism, which is constantly reflected in the increased expression and the paintings dynamics. L. Perfetskyiʼs works are filled with the creative experience and the genuine realism, which are capable of conveying the truthfulness seen through many decades.

Source: Denysyuk Zh. (2019) Ukrainian Liberal Struggle in Leonid Perfetskyiʼs battle paintings. East European Historical Bulletin. Scientific conference proceedings: 112–121

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