Scientific Information Agency
02 May 2018

Who destroyed the Byzantine historical and cultural heritage?

ANNALES Ser. hist. sociol.
Who destroyed the Byzantine historical and cultural heritage?

This study represents the fi rst ever attempt to assess the degree to which the Christian historical-cultural heritage of the Black Sea area has been preserved to the present day and identify the reasons as to why that extent varies so much, with some of the temples being well-preserved (those in Abkhazia) and others lying in ruins (those north of the area between the Psou River and the modern-day resort city of Anapa). The authors’ use of the historical-comparative method and extensive application of the method of comparison of historical facts. The authors conclude by inferring that the principal reason behind the destruction of Orthodox monuments in the historical-cultural heritage of the Black Sea area was the activity of Islamic extremists during the period between the 1830s and 1850s, as part of their struggle against Christianity as a phenomenon.

Source: Cherkasov A.A., Ivantsov V.G., Metreveli R.V., Molchanova V.S. (2016). The Destruction of the Christian Historical-Cultural Heritage of the Black Sea Area: Trends and Characteristics (the Late 18th and First Half of the 19th centuries). Annales Ser. hist.

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