Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: religion

Religious tolerance in the Ukrainian society: lessons learned, implementation
Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin
Religious tolerance in the Ukrainian society: lessons learned, implementation

Religious tolerance in the Ukraine

The struggle of mindsets: atheistic propaganda in Soviet Ukraine during the 1932–1933
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review
The struggle of mindsets: atheistic propaganda in Soviet Ukraine during the 1932–1933

Atheistic propaganda in Soviet Ukraine

The Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine: issues of historiography
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine: issues of historiography

Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations
Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography

The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago

The Relationship between Schools and Religion 

The Circassian Aristocracy in the late XVIII – the first half of XIX centuries: the Social Structure of Society
Bylye Gody
The Circassian Aristocracy in the late XVIII – the first half of XIX centuries: the Social Structure of Society

The Circassian Aristocracy in the late XVIII — the first half of XIX centuries

The international scientist group on the Circassian aristocracy of the XVIII-XIX centuries
Bylye Gody
The international scientist group on the Circassian aristocracy of the XVIII-XIX centuries

The Circassian Aristocracy in the late XVIII — the first half of XIX centuries: the Social Structure of Society

