Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: transport

Work in the interests of rail transport: the second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire – Volodymyr O. Bobrynskyi (1869-1871)
History of science and technology
Work in the interests of rail transport: the second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire – Volodymyr O. Bobrynskyi (1869-1871)

The second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire

The thirteenth Minister of Railways of the Russian Empire Hiubbenet Adolf Yakovych (1831–1901)
History of science and technology
The thirteenth Minister of Railways of the Russian Empire Hiubbenet Adolf Yakovych (1831–1901)

Hiubbenet Adolf Yakovych (1831—1901)

Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper
History and Historians in the Context of the Time
Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper

Votkinsk-Built Boats on Khoper

Austrian Efforts to Improve Water Transport in Eighteenth-Century Transylvania
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
Austrian Efforts to Improve Water Transport in Eighteenth-Century Transylvania

Water Transport in Transylvania

