Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: youth

No longer taboo: liberalisation of sexual culture in Soviet Belarus during Khrushchev`s thaw
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History
No longer taboo: liberalisation of sexual culture in Soviet Belarus during Khrushchev`s thaw

Sexual culture in Soviet Belarus

Historical Heroes of modern Ukrainian Students
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Historical Heroes of modern Ukrainian Students

Modern Ukrainian Students

October 2020 Protests in Poland. A Case Study of Olkusz
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
October 2020 Protests in Poland. A Case Study of Olkusz

Protests in Poland

On the Topic of Role Models for Young People in Visual Media and History Education: Czechoslovakia 1948–1989
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
On the Topic of Role Models for Young People in Visual Media and History Education: Czechoslovakia 1948–1989

Young People in Czechoslovakia 1948—1989

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)
Historical and political researches
The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry

Institutional Framework of Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Bylye Gody
Institutional Framework of Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia

Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia

