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Crimean Tatars in exile: community belonging and being the Others
NaUKMA Research Papers. History
Crimean Tatars in exile: community belonging and being the Others

Crimean Tatars in exile

The Scarlet Fever epidemic in Lviv in 1907-10. City Authorities, Hygienists, and Public Health Policy
Kwartalnik Historyczny
The Scarlet Fever epidemic in Lviv in 1907-10. City Authorities, Hygienists, and Public Health Policy

The Scarlet Fever epidemic in Lviv in 1907‒1910

Late Scythian necropolis Chervony Mayak: 10 years of exploration
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Late Scythian necropolis Chervony Mayak: 10 years of exploration

Scythian necropolis Chervony Mayak

An unknown coin die of Augustus (27 bc – 14 ad), found near Oescus on the Danube
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
An unknown coin die of Augustus (27 bc – 14 ad), found near Oescus on the Danube

An unknown coin die of Augustus

Representatives of the sugar industry of the Russian Empire at the World`s Fair in Paris in 1900
History of science and technology
Representatives of the sugar industry of the Russian Empire at the World`s Fair in Paris in 1900

Sugar industry of the Russian Empire

Chronicle city of Khoten
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Chronicle city of Khoten

Grand Duchy of Lithuania

A National Army Under the Red Banner? The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919
Contemporary European History
A National Army Under the Red Banner? The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919

The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919

Investigation  and  Political  Processes  with  Soldiers  in  Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Investigation and Political Processes with Soldiers in Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)

Political  Processes  with  Soldiers  in  Czechoslovakia

The  Situation  in  Subcarpathian  Rus  in  1919  as  Reported  By  the Czech Officials
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Situation in Subcarpathian Rus in 1919 as Reported By the Czech Officials

Subcarpathian  Rus  in  1919  

Chronicle of the Kherson ghetto (1941)
City History, Culture, Society
Chronicle of the Kherson ghetto (1941)

Holocaust in Kherson

(Re)conceptualization of Memory in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity
Central European Papers
(Re)conceptualization of Memory in Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity

Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity

To the biography of Amet Ozenbashly
Ancient Sumy Land
To the biography of Amet Ozenbashly

About Amet Ozenbashly

Archives and Politics in Ukraine of the XX-XXI Centuries
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Archives and Politics in Ukraine of the XX-XXI Centuries

Archives and Politics in Ukraine

Legal status of employees in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic (1921–1928)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Legal status of employees in the Ukrainian Soviet Social Republic (1921–1928)

Legal status of employees in the USSR

Regional Land Road System of Putivl Uyezd in the 17th century
Bylye Gody
Regional Land Road System of Putivl Uyezd in the 17th century

Putivl Uyezd in the 17th century

The Roman frontier in Dobrudja. Several fortifications not excavated or with undetermined planimetric features
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
The Roman frontier in Dobrudja. Several fortifications not excavated or with undetermined planimetric features

The Roman frontier in Dobrudja

Propaganda as a component of the processes of sovietization of the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia (1944 – 1947)
East European Historical Bulletin
Propaganda as a component of the processes of sovietization of the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia (1944 – 1947)

Sovietization of the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia

The First Soviet Five-year Plan – as Reflected in the Romanian Archival Sources
East European Historical Bulletin
The First Soviet Five-year Plan – as Reflected in the Romanian Archival Sources

The First Soviet Five-year Plan

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