Crimean Tatars in exile
The First Franco-Polish Railway Concession
The Scarlet Fever epidemic in Lviv in 1907‒1910
Scythian necropolis Chervony Mayak
An unknown coin die of Augustus
Sugar industry of the Russian Empire
Kyiv Greek St. Catherine’s Monastery
Trypillia Settlement Krasnostavka
Interwar Italy and Yugoslavia
The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919
Political Processes with Soldiers in Czechoslovakia
Subcarpathian Rus in 1919
The Castle in Prószków
Sculpture of Leon Podsiadły
Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity
Archives and Politics in Ukraine
Legal status of employees in the USSR
Putivl Uyezd in the 17th century
The Roman frontier in Dobrudja
Sovietization of the territories of Northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia
The First Soviet Five-year Plan
Iconography of the ruler crowned by angels in Wallachia
Ukraine in the Ranks of the United Nations
Ivan Kozhedub