Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: development

Teaching Staff of Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province (1834–1917)
Bylye Gody
Teaching Staff of Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province (1834–1917)

Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province

Natural history museology: establishment and formation of its theoretical bases
History of science and technology
Natural history museology: establishment and formation of its theoretical bases

Natural history museology

Work in the interests of rail transport: the second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire – Volodymyr O. Bobrynskyi (1869-1871)
History of science and technology
Work in the interests of rail transport: the second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire – Volodymyr O. Bobrynskyi (1869-1871)

The second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire

«Ukrainian Cases» of Anarchists-«Repeaters»
Antiquities of Lukomorie
«Ukrainian Cases» of Anarchists-«Repeaters»

State terror in Soviet Ukraine in 1947-1949

East European Historical Society (2015–2020): Foundation and Development
Bylye Gody
East European Historical Society (2015–2020): Foundation and Development

East European Historical Society (2015—2020)

«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia
Bylye Gody
«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

The system of public education in the Russian Empire: myths and reality
Social Evolution & History
The system of public education in the Russian Empire: myths and reality

All-Russian Primary Education (1894—1917): Developmental Milestones

