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Topics by keywords: workers

Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review

Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century

Social Part-Time Employment: Soviet Theater of the Absurd
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Social Part-Time Employment: Soviet Theater of the Absurd

Social Part-Time Employment

The Split within the Poale Zion’s Left Wing: Two Versions of Jewish National Communism
Judaica Ukrainica
The Split within the Poale Zion’s Left Wing: Two Versions of Jewish National Communism

The Split within the Poale Zion’s Left Wing

Activity of Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 – 1916
East European Historical Bulletin
Activity of Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 – 1916

Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 — 1916

German Propaganda as an Aiding Factor for the Voluntary Recruitment of “Eastern Workers” in the Third Reich
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
German Propaganda as an Aiding Factor for the Voluntary Recruitment of “Eastern Workers” in the Third Reich

“Eastern Workers” in the Third Reich

