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Topics by keywords: name

Decommunisation of place names in the city of Sumy (2015-2016): how it happened
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Decommunisation of place names in the city of Sumy (2015-2016): how it happened

Decommunisation of place names

Male vs Female in the Mirror of Russian Dual Christian Naming (16th–17th Centuries)
Slovene. International Journal of Slavic Studies
Male vs Female in the Mirror of Russian Dual Christian Naming (16th–17th Centuries)

Russian Dual Christian Naming

The Ukrainian Language in Argentina and Paraguay as an Identity Marker
Slovene. International Journal of Slavic Studies
The Ukrainian Language in Argentina and Paraguay as an Identity Marker

Ukrainian Language in Argentina and Paraguay

From the History of Ukrainian Ethnonymy (From Ruthenians to Ukrainians)
Ukrainian historical journal
From the History of Ukrainian Ethnonymy (From Ruthenians to Ukrainians)

From the History of Ukrainian Ethnonymy

Is the Name «Polish Death Camps» a Misnomer?
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Is the Name «Polish Death Camps» a Misnomer?

Polish Death Camps

Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries
Bylye Gody
Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries

Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus

Woman Names in Ottoman: In the Example of Sivas Province (1742-1763)
History Studies. International Journal of History
Woman Names in Ottoman: In the Example of Sivas Province (1742-1763)

Woman Names in Ottoman

