Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: prison

History of Mykolaiv Captive Prison (1907 - 1920)
Antiquities of Lukomorie
History of Mykolaiv Captive Prison (1907 - 1920)

Mykolaiv Captive Prison

Refugees from Еastern Еurope in Сzechoslovakia after the First World War
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Refugees from Еastern Еurope in Сzechoslovakia after the First World War

Refugees from Еastern Еurope

Estates in the activities of judicial institutions and penitentiary establishments in Right-bank Ukraine (1864–1914)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Estates in the activities of judicial institutions and penitentiary establishments in Right-bank Ukraine (1864–1914)

Penitentiary establishments in Right-bank Ukraine

Charitable Activity in the Left Bank Ukrainian Provinces during the First World War
Bylye Gody
Charitable Activity in the Left Bank Ukrainian Provinces during the First World War

Charitable Activity in the Left Bank Ukraine

Women in the Service of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (second half of the XIX – early ХХ centuries)
Bylye Gody
Women in the Service of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (second half of the XIX – early ХХ centuries)

Women in the Service of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Using the Labour of Special Squads in the Stalingrad Region in 1942- 1945
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Using the Labour of Special Squads in the Stalingrad Region in 1942- 1945

The article deals with the issues related to the use of special forces in the Stalingrad region during the Great Patriotic War

