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Topics by keywords: war

Disabled People of Great Patriotic War in Post-War Ukraine 1945-1950
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Disabled People of Great Patriotic War in Post-War Ukraine 1945-1950

Disabled People of Great Patriotic War

Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809
History Notebooks
Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809

Occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809

The Formation of the Structures of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) in Ternopil Region in 1918
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
The Formation of the Structures of the West Ukrainian People's Republic (ZUNR) in Ternopil Region in 1918

West Ukrainian People's Republic

A Victim Among Martyrs? Czech Victimhood Nationalism during the First World War
Central European Papers
A Victim Among Martyrs? Czech Victimhood Nationalism during the First World War

Czech Victimhood Nationalism

Trojan Horse of The Cold War: Nowa Huta as the Instrument of Soviet Influence on the Polish People`s Republic
City History, Culture, Society
Trojan Horse of The Cold War: Nowa Huta as the Instrument of Soviet Influence on the Polish People`s Republic

Nowa Huta as the Instrument of Soviet Influence

Trends in Communist Propaganda. A CIA Investigation from 1970
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Trends in Communist Propaganda. A CIA Investigation from 1970

Trends in Communist Propaganda

Diplomatic front during the Great Northern War: diplomatic mission of Just Juel to Peter I (1709-1711)
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
Diplomatic front during the Great Northern War: diplomatic mission of Just Juel to Peter I (1709-1711)

Diplomatic mission of Just Juel to Peter I

Russian army in 1917: from the Imperial War to the soldier peace
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
Russian army in 1917: from the Imperial War to the soldier peace

Russian army in 1917

The Russian Agitational Trains and Steamers Sector in 1918–1920: Apparatus, Practices, Challenges, and Solutions
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
The Russian Agitational Trains and Steamers Sector in 1918–1920: Apparatus, Practices, Challenges, and Solutions

Russian Agitational Trains in 1918—1920

Memorial studies and historical memory of the wars and military conflicts of the XX century: historiography of the issue
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Memorial studies and historical memory of the wars and military conflicts of the XX century: historiography of the issue

Memorial studies of the wars and military conflicts 

Organization and holding the trial of Nazi criminals in Kharkiv (December 15-18, 1943)
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences’
Organization and holding the trial of Nazi criminals in Kharkiv (December 15-18, 1943)

The trial of Nazi criminals

Activities of the Republican Trust Ukrsilprombud in Sumy Region during Post-war time (1947–1954)
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Activities of the Republican Trust Ukrsilprombud in Sumy Region during Post-war time (1947–1954)

Republican Trust Ukrsilprombud

Napoleon Bonaparte and Retablissement of Polish State
Ukrainian Historical Review
Napoleon Bonaparte and Retablissement of Polish State

Napoleon and of Polish State

War and Autocephaly in Ukraine
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
War and Autocephaly in Ukraine

Autocephaly in Ukraine

Western Europe as a Model for Polish Defenders of Animal Welfare prior to 1939
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Western Europe as a Model for Polish Defenders of Animal Welfare prior to 1939

Model for Polish Defenders of Animal Welfare

Defense of Putivl in the Spring of 1613
Bylye Gody
Defense of Putivl in the Spring of 1613

Defense of Putivl

The First World War in the historical memory of Ukraine and Poland: changing approaches and discourse
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The First World War in the historical memory of Ukraine and Poland: changing approaches and discourse

Historical memory of Ukraine and Poland

Charles de Gaulle and the Coverage of the Algerian Crisis of 1958–1962 in the Soviet Periodical Press
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Charles de Gaulle and the Coverage of the Algerian Crisis of 1958–1962 in the Soviet Periodical Press

Soviet Periodical Press

Peculiarities of the Republic of Croatia Justice in the Field of War Crimes (on the Materials of `Myklushevtsi Case`)
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Peculiarities of the Republic of Croatia Justice in the Field of War Crimes (on the Materials of `Myklushevtsi Case`)

Croatia Justice in the Field of War Crimes

Service of British and Soviet women in intelligence during World War II
European Historical Studies
Service of British and Soviet women in intelligence during World War II

British and Soviet women during World War II

From Old World Syndrome to History: Understanding the Past in Askold Melnyczuk`s Ambassador of the Dead
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
From Old World Syndrome to History: Understanding the Past in Askold Melnyczuk`s Ambassador of the Dead

Askold Melnyczuk’s Ambassador of the Dead

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