Military Governor-General of Galicia
Occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809
Russian Agitational Trains in 1918—1920
Librarianship in the Soviet Russia
Russian Army`s Reorganization, 1856—1862
The Phenomenon of Panteleimon Kulish
Napoleon and of Polish State
Agricultural public organizations of Ukrainian provinces
Eastern Galicia During the Russian Occupation
Settlement of Bulgarians in the Territory of Bessarabia
Ukrainian museography
How Ukrainians Were Inventing Their Napoleon
Models of the State Structure in Russia
Vilna and Warsaw military districts of the Russian Empire
Mining Engineers in the Foreign Policy of Russia
Family Reading of Nobles
Old Believers in the Russian Empire
The history of the icebreaker “Yermak”
Agricultural societies and the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Empire
Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Poland
The First Serbian Female Writer
King Carol I of Romania
Collective literary image of an employee created by A.P. Chekhov
The Nobility of «Ukrainian Provinces»
The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919
The second Minister of Railway Transport of the Russian Empire
Russia after the Crimean War