Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: men

Disabled People of Great Patriotic War in Post-War Ukraine 1945-1950
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Disabled People of Great Patriotic War in Post-War Ukraine 1945-1950

Disabled People of Great Patriotic War

Municipal Healthcare in the Cities of the Katerynoslav Governorate (1870 – 1913)
City: History, Culture, Society
Municipal Healthcare in the Cities of the Katerynoslav Governorate (1870 – 1913)

Municipal Healthcare in the Katerynoslav Governorate

To the logic of relations between the patriarchate of Constantinople and the metropolitanate of Kyiv
Sophia. Human and Religious Studies Bulletin
To the logic of relations between the patriarchate of Constantinople and the metropolitanate of Kyiv

Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Metropolitanate of Kyiv

The Bykivnia martyrology: Lawyer Arnold Hermanovych Kryster
Antiquities of Lukomorie
The Bykivnia martyrology: Lawyer Arnold Hermanovych Kryster

The Bykivnia martyrology

Images of God Attis from the Northern Black Sea: Features and problems of iconography
Antiquities of Lukomorie
Images of God Attis from the Northern Black Sea: Features and problems of iconography

Images of God Attis from the Northern Black Sea

Teaching Staff of Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province (1834–1917)
Bylye Gody
Teaching Staff of Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province (1834–1917)

Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province

Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology
The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies
Genesis of ethnic studies on the materials of the journal `Osnova`: research directions and methodology

Materials of the journal «Osnova»

For a Discussion About Epigraphic Evidence of the Activities of Byzantium in the Mountainous Crimea in the 6th Century
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 4. Istoriya. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya
For a Discussion About Epigraphic Evidence of the Activities of Byzantium in the Mountainous Crimea in the 6th Century

Activities of Byzantium in the Mountainous Crimea

Cherkas Global University`s Academic Projects: Eastern European Scientific Information Agency (2018–2023)
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Cherkas Global University`s Academic Projects: Eastern European Scientific Information Agency (2018–2023)

Eastern European Scientific Information Agency

Ukrainian `kurkuls` – the victims of the Bolshevik policy of social-chauvinism
Ukrainian Peasant
Ukrainian `kurkuls` – the victims of the Bolshevik policy of social-chauvinism

Bolshevik policy of social-chauvinism

Written documents on the Black Sea diplomacy vector of Hetman Bohdan Kmelnytsky
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
Written documents on the Black Sea diplomacy vector of Hetman Bohdan Kmelnytsky

Black Sea diplomacy vector of Bohdan Kmelnytsky

Interwar Lviv fashion designer, fashion editor and columnist Elia Olesnytska: materials for biography
Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine
Interwar Lviv fashion designer, fashion editor and columnist Elia Olesnytska: materials for biography

Fashion designer and columnist Elia Olesnytska

Migration and Settlement of Bulgarians in the Territory of Bessarabia in the 30-50s of XIX century
Migration and Settlement of Bulgarians in the Territory of Bessarabia in the 30-50s of XIX century

Settlement of Bulgarians in the Territory of Bessarabia

Tax system and tax policy in Ukrainian SSR in 1920s: historiographical and methodological
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Tax system and tax policy in Ukrainian SSR in 1920s: historiographical and methodological

Ukrainian SSR in 1920s

Conservative Hetman Environment of the Interwar Ukrainian Emigration in the Southest Europe (1918-1939)
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Conservative Hetman Environment of the Interwar Ukrainian Emigration in the Southest Europe (1918-1939)

Interwar Ukrainian Emigration

History of formation basis for the protection of the cultural heritage in Bulgaria
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review
History of formation basis for the protection of the cultural heritage in Bulgaria

Cultural heritage in Bulgaria

Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates and its 18th-century Serbian Translators from Greek
Slovene. International Journal of Slavic Studies
Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates and its 18th-century Serbian Translators from Greek

Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates

Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army
Antiquities of Lukomorie
Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army

History of the Galician Army

War and Autocephaly in Ukraine
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
War and Autocephaly in Ukraine

Autocephaly in Ukraine

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