Romanian occupation government in Odessa
Women in Soviet armed forces
Widows in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Pregnancy, childbirth in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Ukrainian State in 1657
National Socialist parties of the Russian Empire
Ukrainian museography
Atheistic propaganda in Soviet Ukraine
Cultural heritage in Bulgaria
The struggle of the Crimean Tatars with the state farms
Early Modern Ukraine
How Ukrainians Were Inventing Their Napoleon
Historicodogmatic Treatise by Elias Meniates
A Polish Parody of «Our Father»
History of the Galician Army
Ritual Process of Funeral in Hutsuls
Ukrainian chronicles, diaries-chronicles
Glukhiv teaching institute
French Publications in Russian Empire
Gava culture from Teleac hillfort
Models of the State Structure in Russia
Trudy Kyivskoi dukhovnoi akademii
Mapping Roman Dacia
Model for Polish Defenders of Animal Welfare
History by Countess Ludwika Ostrowska
System of Soviet Gymnastics
Famous Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko
Historical Region of the Belgorod Line
Ukrainian traditions and rituals