Scientific Information Agency


Easter holidays in Bukovynian Hutsulshchyna: traditions and rituals
12 June 2023
Culture and Arts in the Modern World
Easter holidays in Bukovynian Hutsulshchyna: traditions and rituals

Ukrainian traditions and rituals

Historical principles of hospitality development in Ukraine
10 June 2023
Culture and Arts in the Modern World
Historical principles of hospitality development in Ukraine

Ukrainian hospitality

The Ukrainian Education in Galicia (1919–1939): A Search for an Ideal
08 June 2023
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Ukrainian Education in Galicia (1919–1939): A Search for an Ideal

Ukrainian Education in Galicia

Czech National Identity and the Elements Through Which is Constructed
07 June 2023
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Czech National Identity and the Elements Through Which is Constructed

Czech National Identity

Scattered Abroad: The Ukrainian Theatrical Emigration Seen through the Fate of the Actor Fedir Fedorovych
28 May 2023
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences
Scattered Abroad: The Ukrainian Theatrical Emigration Seen through the Fate of the Actor Fedir Fedorovych

Ukrainian Theatrical Emigration

The King Danylo Romanovich in Rus`-Mongolian Relations: Discussion Questions of Historiography
27 May 2023
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences
The King Danylo Romanovich in Rus`-Mongolian Relations: Discussion Questions of Historiography

Rus’-Mongolian Relations

Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review
25 May 2023
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review

Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century

Formation Characteristics and Traditions in Literature Byzantium IV – First Half of V Centuries
23 May 2023
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Formation Characteristics and Traditions in Literature Byzantium IV – First Half of V Centuries

Characteristics and Traditions in Literature Byzantium

New Residents of Thrace: Immigrants (1934-1938)
21 May 2023
History Studies. International Journal of History
New Residents of Thrace: Immigrants (1934-1938)

Migration in Republic of Turkey

Ambassador Exchange in the Ottoman State
19 May 2023
History Studies. International Journal of History
Ambassador Exchange in the Ottoman State

Ottoman State

Defense of Putivl in the Spring of 1613
15 May 2023
Bylye Gody
Defense of Putivl in the Spring of 1613

Defense of Putivl

«Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924)
10 May 2023
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History
«Nomenclature embryo»: the birth of the Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB – BSSR (1920–1924)

Soviet nomenclature system in SSRB — BSSR

Troops  of  the  Vilna  and  Warsaw  military districts  of  the  Russian  Empire  in  Belarus  (1864–1914)
09 May 2023
Journal of the Belarusian State University. History
Troops of the Vilna and Warsaw military districts of the Russian Empire in Belarus (1864–1914)

Vilna  and  Warsaw  military districts  of  the  Russian  Empire

Convict Prisons of Ukraine in Context of Reforming Penitentiary System of the Russian Empire (second half of 19th – early 20th century)
07 May 2023
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Convict Prisons of Ukraine in Context of Reforming Penitentiary System of the Russian Empire (second half of 19th – early 20th century)

Penitentiary System of the Russian Empire

Weapons in Obsequial Rite of Ust-Alminsk Necropolis (South-Western Crimea)
05 May 2023
Eminak: Scientific Quarterly Journal
Weapons in Obsequial Rite of Ust-Alminsk Necropolis (South-Western Crimea)

Ust-Alminsk Necropolis (South-Western Crimea)

Zavody – Lost in History Hermit Village
25 April 2023
Zavody – Lost in History Hermit Village

History Hermit Village

The Public Education System and Culture of a Typical Uyezd Town in the Pre-Reform Russian Empire: The Case of Ostashkov, Tver Governorate
23 April 2023
European Journal of Contemporary Education
The Public Education System and Culture of a Typical Uyezd Town in the Pre-Reform Russian Empire: The Case of Ostashkov, Tver Governorate

The Public Education System in the Pre-Reform Russian Empire

The influence of the Ukrainian US diaspora on interstate cooperation: Ukraine-USA (1991-2018)
19 April 2023
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review
The influence of the Ukrainian US diaspora on interstate cooperation: Ukraine-USA (1991-2018)

Ukrainian US diaspora

The First World War in the historical memory of Ukraine and Poland: changing approaches and discourse
17 April 2023
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The First World War in the historical memory of Ukraine and Poland: changing approaches and discourse

Historical memory of Ukraine and Poland

The criminal situation in Ukraine during the NEP
16 April 2023
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The criminal situation in Ukraine during the NEP

NEP in Ukraine

The role of the engineering and technical intelligentsia in the formation and development of the industry of Southern Ukraine in the modern era
15 April 2023
Historical and political researches
The role of the engineering and technical intelligentsia in the formation and development of the industry of Southern Ukraine in the modern era

Engineering and technical intelligentsia of Southern Ukraine

Natural history museology: establishment and formation of its theoretical bases
13 April 2023
History of science and technology
Natural history museology: establishment and formation of its theoretical bases

Natural history museology

Polonica in Presov. Old Prints of Krakow and Other Provenance
11 April 2023
Res Gestae. Historical Journal
Polonica in Presov. Old Prints of Krakow and Other Provenance

Old Prints of Krakow

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