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Topics by keywords: peasant

Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin:  historic  portrait  against  a  backdrop  of  the  epoch
East European Historical Bulletin
Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin: historic portrait against a backdrop of the epoch

Vasyl Nazarovych Karazin

Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Strike Movement of Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Review

Ukrainian Peasantry at the Beginning of the 20th century

Аnti-statists and Ukrainian peasantry in 1900s: the historiography of the issue
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Аnti-statists and Ukrainian peasantry in 1900s: the historiography of the issue

Ukrainian peasantry in 1900s

Influence of the peasant factor on the economic policy of the bolsheviks in the Ukrainian country side (1919 - 1921)
Ukrainian Peasant
Influence of the peasant factor on the economic policy of the bolsheviks in the Ukrainian country side (1919 - 1921)

Economic policy of the bolsheviks in the Ukrainian country side

Revolutionary Disturbances in the Early XX Century: Agrarian Law of Central and South Eastern Europe
Ukrainian Peasant
Revolutionary Disturbances in the Early XX Century: Agrarian Law of Central and South Eastern Europe

Agrarian Law of Central and South Eastern Europe

Runaway Cossacks and Peasants – Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus in the Middle of the XIX century
Slavery: Theory and Practice
Runaway Cossacks and Peasants – Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus in the Middle of the XIX century

Cossacks and Peasants — Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)
Historical and political researches
The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry

The Agricultural Issue on the First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies
Ukrainian Peasant
The Agricultural Issue on the First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies

First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies

Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine During the Post-Reform Period
Ukrainian Peasant
Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine During the Post-Reform Period

Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine

Peasantry of Zolotonsky District in the Age of Revolutionary Shocks at the Beginning of the XX Century: Everyday Life And the Struggle For Land And Freedom
Ukrainian Peasant
Peasantry of Zolotonsky District in the Age of Revolutionary Shocks at the Beginning of the XX Century: Everyday Life And the Struggle For Land And Freedom

Peasantry of Zolotonsky District in the Age of Revolutionary Shocks at the Beginning of the XX Century

