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Topics by keywords: state

Armed clashes on the Polish-Moldavian borderland in the mid-20s – mid-40s of the XVII century
The research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University: historical studies
Armed clashes on the Polish-Moldavian borderland in the mid-20s – mid-40s of the XVII century

Polish-Moldavian borderland in the XVII century

Soviet Ukraine as an illusion of historical subjectivity
Acta De Historia & Politica: Saeculum XXI
Soviet Ukraine as an illusion of historical subjectivity

Soviet Ukraine

The Khazarian Khaganate and the Scandinavians in Eastern Europe – contacts and their nature in the 9th-10th centuries
Res Gestae. Historical Journal
The Khazarian Khaganate and the Scandinavians in Eastern Europe – contacts and their nature in the 9th-10th centuries

Khazarian Khaganate and the Scandinavians in Eastern Europe

Tax authorities in Dnipro-Region Ukraine during the Post-reform period: current Ukrainian historiography
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History
Tax authorities in Dnipro-Region Ukraine during the Post-reform period: current Ukrainian historiography

Tax authorities in Dnipro-Region Ukraine

Ambassador Exchange in the Ottoman State
History Studies. International Journal of History
Ambassador Exchange in the Ottoman State

Ottoman State

Polonica in Presov. Old Prints of Krakow and Other Provenance
Res Gestae. Historical Journal
Polonica in Presov. Old Prints of Krakow and Other Provenance

Old Prints of Krakow

Investigation  and  Political  Processes  with  Soldiers  in  Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Investigation and Political Processes with Soldiers in Czechoslovakia (1948–1989)

Political  Processes  with  Soldiers  in  Czechoslovakia

Archives and Politics in Ukraine of the XX-XXI Centuries
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Archives and Politics in Ukraine of the XX-XXI Centuries

Archives and Politics in Ukraine

Slovenian Interwarstate-building: a look through the «windows of opportunities»
Antiquities of Lukomorie
Slovenian Interwarstate-building: a look through the «windows of opportunities»

Slovenian Interwarstate-building

Carpathian Ukraine as a Stage of Ukrainian State-Building
Ukrainian historical journal
Carpathian Ukraine as a Stage of Ukrainian State-Building

Carpathian Ukraine

New Source about the History of Bund
Arkhivy Ukrayiny
New Source about the History of Bund

History of Bund

Wishful thinking about peace. War as humanity`s nemesis
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
Wishful thinking about peace. War as humanity`s nemesis

War as humanity’s nemesis

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