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The Social Composition of Students at Kharkov Imperial University in the Second Half of the 19th century
European Journal of Contemporary Education
The Social Composition of Students at Kharkov Imperial University in the Second Half of the 19th century

Students at Kharkov Imperial University

The erection of the Kremenchug HPS in the soviet scientific and popular scientific literature of 1960–1980
Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences
The erection of the Kremenchug HPS in the soviet scientific and popular scientific literature of 1960–1980

Kremenchug hydroelectric station

Housing in the donbass in 1965–1985-ies: problems and solutions
Scientific Bulletin of the Nikolaev National University named after V.O. Sukhomlinsky. Historical sciences
Housing in the donbass in 1965–1985-ies: problems and solutions

Housing in the donbass in 1965—1985-ies

The Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine: issues of historiography
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine: issues of historiography

Roman Catholic church on the Right-bank of Ukraine

History of weaving in Azerbaijan
History of weaving in Azerbaijan

History of weaving

At the edge of Liburnia: Hellenistic and Roman republican coinage from Raducka Glavica
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
At the edge of Liburnia: Hellenistic and Roman republican coinage from Raducka Glavica

Hellenistic and Roman republican coinage

Border Battle: Fighting on the Ukrainian-Moscow Border in 1660–1661
Bylye Gody
Border Battle: Fighting on the Ukrainian-Moscow Border in 1660–1661

Fighting on the Ukrainian-Moscow Border

Production activity of Volynins of the Lithuanian era: conditions and everyday practice
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review
Production activity of Volynins of the Lithuanian era: conditions and everyday practice

Volynins of the Lithuanian era

«Joyfulness of Rus`...»: Drinking as a Social Phenomenon of Ancient Rus` State
Ukrainian historical journal
«Joyfulness of Rus`...»: Drinking as a Social Phenomenon of Ancient Rus` State

Drinking in Ancient Rus' State

Consumption, Man, and Gender: Historical and Philosophical Analyses (the Example of Early Soviet Society)
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences
Consumption, Man, and Gender: Historical and Philosophical Analyses (the Example of Early Soviet Society)

Early Soviet Society

The Kharkiv Governorate provincial cities population (1861-1917)
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Bulletin ‘History of Ukraine. Ukrainian Studies: Historical and Philosophical Sciences
The Kharkiv Governorate provincial cities population (1861-1917)

The Kharkiv Governorate

Cura aquarum and curator aquarum – the Head of Rome`s Water Supply Administration
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Cura aquarum and curator aquarum – the Head of Rome`s Water Supply Administration

Head of Rome’s Water Supply Administration

Kosovo`s Independence and the Serbian Coalitions against the Kosovar Self-Determination
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Kosovo`s Independence and the Serbian Coalitions against the Kosovar Self-Determination

Kosovar Self-Determination

Participation of nobles in the Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate during the First World War
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Participation of nobles in the Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate during the First World War

Country assembly of the Bessarabian Governorate

Old believers in the Ekaterinoslav diocese and activities of orthodox mission at the beginning of the 20th century
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Old believers in the Ekaterinoslav diocese and activities of orthodox mission at the beginning of the 20th century

Old believers in the Ekaterinoslav diocese

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