Franciszek Łubieński
Children of the Ukrainian SSR
Maritime Educational Institutions of the Kherson Province
Librarianship in the Soviet Russia
Everydayness of the Ukrainian village in 1941—1943
Kyiv philosophical school
Joint Cadet school of the UPR Army
Kyiv school of artistic textiles
Libraries of Orthodox Theological Schools
Physical Culture and Sports Life of Soviet Ukraine
Special vocational schools of the labor reserves system
Legislature on Schools in the Second Republic of Poland
Student propestes in the pre-revolutionary universities
Spiritual Education System in the XIX century
Odesa Professional School for Blind Children (1887-1915)
The first Rector of Odessa Polytechnic Institute
Public education of the Ukrainian State in 1918
Archival school of Kyiv university
Polish culture in Ukraine
Religious Thematics in Ukrainian Musical Culture
Wagner’s mining western school
The Development of the Public Education System in Northeastern Ukraine
The Relationship between Schools and Religion
Polish cinema and actors in 1960-1980s
The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate
Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880—1890
School and University in Soviet Cinema
Pedagogical Foundations of Effective Reading Instruction Older Students in Russia in the late XIX — Early XX Centuries