Scientific Information Agency


Oribasius and Medical Tradition of Early Byzantium
19 April 2019
Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations
Oribasius and Medical Tradition of Early Byzantium

Medical Tradition of Early Byzantium

About the Date of the Crimean Gothia Creation
18 April 2019
Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International Relations
About the Date of the Crimean Gothia Creation

About the Crimean Gothia

Tripun Gregorina of Kotor (1719-1791) - Colonel of the Croatian Cavalry (Croati a cavallo)
16 April 2019
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku
Tripun Gregorina of Kotor (1719-1791) - Colonel of the Croatian Cavalry (Croati a cavallo)

About Tripun Gregorina of Kotor (1719-1791)

Ethnic and Civic Identity of Premodern Dubrovnik (14th-17th Century)
15 April 2019
Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku
Ethnic and Civic Identity of Premodern Dubrovnik (14th-17th Century)

Ethnic and Civic Identity of Premodern Dubrovnik

Metamorphosis of E. P. Azef’s Political Adventurism
08 April 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
Metamorphosis of E. P. Azef’s Political Adventurism

Metamorphosis of E. P. Azef’s Political Adventurism

The 7th–9th century ethnocultural structure of Slavic Polabya & the influence of borderlands on state formation processes
08 April 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
The 7th–9th century ethnocultural structure of Slavic Polabya & the influence of borderlands on state formation processes

Ethnocultural structure of Slavic Polabya & the influence of borderlands on state formation processes

The Manifestations of Soviet Propaganda and Separatism in North-Eastern Slovakia at the turn of 1944–1945 in the Context of the Annexation of Subcarpathian Ruthenia (Transcarpathian Ukraine) to the USSR
07 April 2019
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
The Manifestations of Soviet Propaganda and Separatism in North-Eastern Slovakia at the turn of 1944–1945 in the Context of the Annexation of Subcarpathian Ruthenia (Transcarpathian Ukraine) to the USSR

The Manifestations of Soviet Propaganda and Separatism in North-Eastern Slovakia at the turn of 1944—1945 

Representations of the Cossack in «Pictures of the Last of the Quiet Don»: the Apotheosis of the «Cossack Warrior»
07 April 2019
History and Historians in the Context of the Time
Representations of the Cossack in «Pictures of the Last of the Quiet Don»: the Apotheosis of the «Cossack Warrior»

Representations of the Cossack in «Pictures of the Last of the Quiet Don»

Expedition in Khevsureti in 1813. The "Assault" of Shatili
06 April 2019
Bylye Gody
Expedition in Khevsureti in 1813. The "Assault" of Shatili

Expedition in Khevsureti in 1813. 

Orphan Courts in the System of State Institutions of the Russian Empire of the end of the XVIII – 60s of the XIX centuries: Personal Composition, Competence, Rights and Duties of Guardians
04 April 2019
Bylye Gody
Orphan Courts in the System of State Institutions of the Russian Empire of the end of the XVIII – 60s of the XIX centuries: Personal Composition, Competence, Rights and Duties of Guardians

Orphan Courts in the System of State Institutions of the Russian Empire of the end of the XVIII — 60s of the XIX centuries

Activity of Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 – 1916
04 April 2019
East European Historical Bulletin
Activity of Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 – 1916

Mykolayiv shipbuilding enterprises in 1914 — 1916

The educational activity in Halychyna at the beginning of the 20th century: historical-pedagogical analysis
03 April 2019
East European Historical Bulletin
The educational activity in Halychyna at the beginning of the 20th century: historical-pedagogical analysis

The educational activity in Halychyna at the beginning of the 20th century

Notes on the Res Gestae and Historiographical Views Towards the Battle of Adrianople (378 A.D.)
13 March 2019
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Notes on the Res Gestae and Historiographical Views Towards the Battle of Adrianople (378 A.D.)

Historiographical Views Towards the Battle of Adrianople (378 A.D.)

Socio-Economic Situation and Legal Status of Georgian Jews in the XVIII century
12 March 2019
Bylye Gody
Socio-Economic Situation and Legal Status of Georgian Jews in the XVIII century

Socio-Economic Situation and Legal Status of Georgian Jews 

Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries
11 March 2019
Bylye Gody
Evolution of the Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus in the IV–XIX centuries

Institution of the Slave Trade in the Caucasus

«Enslavement» of the Вon Cossacks in 1880–1890: Myth or Reality?
09 March 2019
Slavery: Theory and Practice
«Enslavement» of the Вon Cossacks in 1880–1890: Myth or Reality?

«Enslavement» of the Вon Cossacks in 1880—1890

«Ostankino syringe» and a Ukrainian viewer: the influence of TV on shaping a «homo Soveticus»
06 March 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
«Ostankino syringe» and a Ukrainian viewer: the influence of TV on shaping a «homo Soveticus»

«Ostankino syringe» and a Ukrainian viewer

The moral imperative of the Patriarch Josyf Slipyj like as alternative to Soviet mentality
05 March 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
The moral imperative of the Patriarch Josyf Slipyj like as alternative to Soviet mentality

The moral imperative of the Patriarch Josyf Slipyj

Monetary Reform of the Russian Empire in the Historography of the Second Half of the Nineteenth – the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
03 March 2019
East European Historical Bulletin
Monetary Reform of the Russian Empire in the Historography of the Second Half of the Nineteenth – the Beginning of the Twentieth Century

Monetary Reform of the Russian Empire 1895-1897

The Reception of Europe/West in the Scientific Heritage of the Mykhailo Maksymovych
02 March 2019
East European Historical Bulletin
The Reception of Europe/West in the Scientific Heritage of the Mykhailo Maksymovych

Scientific Heritage of the Mykhailo Maksymovych

«Nobless Oblige» or How Nobility Elections Were Regulated in Volyn (in the Late 18th - 60-ies of the 19 th Centuries)
27 February 2019
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
«Nobless Oblige» or How Nobility Elections Were Regulated in Volyn (in the Late 18th - 60-ies of the 19 th Centuries)

«Nobless Oblige» or How Nobility Elections Were Regulated in Volyn

Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831 Was as a Source of Study Polish Liberation Struggle
25 February 2019
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831 Was as a Source of Study Polish Liberation Struggle

Memoirs of Participants November Uprising 1830-1831

The Bessarabian Question in 1917–1918: the Relations of Romania, Bessarabia and Ukraine
20 February 2019
Bylye Gody
The Bessarabian Question in 1917–1918: the Relations of Romania, Bessarabia and Ukraine

The Relations of Romania, Bessarabia and Ukraine

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s
19 February 2019
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art

Relations between the Czech Legion’s Representatives and the Opposing Political Forces in the Volga Region: from Negotiations to War
18 February 2019
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Relations between the Czech Legion’s Representatives and the Opposing Political Forces in the Volga Region: from Negotiations to War

Relations between the Czech Legion’s Representatives and the Opposing Political Forces in the Volga Region

The Hellenistic Big Rock Human Head From Bulgaria
16 February 2019
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
The Hellenistic Big Rock Human Head From Bulgaria

The Hellenistic Big Rock Human Head

Living By the Coins on the Roman Frontier. The Hoards and Single Finds Evidence at the Auxiliary Forts in Roman Dacia
14 February 2019
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Living By the Coins on the Roman Frontier. The Hoards and Single Finds Evidence at the Auxiliary Forts in Roman Dacia

The Hoards and Single Finds Evidence at the Auxiliary Forts in Roman Dacia

«Imperial Society»: relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society in the «Trudy»
11 February 2019
Tomsk State University Journal of History
«Imperial Society»: relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society in the «Trudy»

Relationship between Catherine II and the Free Economic Society

The priest on the Austro-Russian front. War diary of Josef Tiso (August-October 1914)
10 February 2019
Tomsk State University Journal of History
The priest on the Austro-Russian front. War diary of Josef Tiso (August-October 1914)

The priest on the Austro-Russian front

Internment and Deportation of the Transcarpathian Hungarians in conditions of Soviet Power (1944-1946)
09 February 2019
Tomsk State University Journal of History
Internment and Deportation of the Transcarpathian Hungarians in conditions of Soviet Power (1944-1946)

Internment and Deportation of the Transcarpathian Hungarians

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