Scientific Information Agency


The Origins And Typology of “Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions
20 June 2019
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
The Origins And Typology of “Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions

“Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions

Regulation of the Activities of Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine By Provincial Chancelleries in the Second Half of the Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries
18 June 2019
Ancient Sumy Land
Regulation of the Activities of Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine By Provincial Chancelleries in the Second Half of the Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries

Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine in the Second Half of the XIX And Early XX Centuries

To the History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations (March 1921)
17 June 2019
Ancient Sumy Land
To the History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations (March 1921)

History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations

The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line on the Eve of and During the Patriotic War of 1812
15 June 2019
Bylye Gody
The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line on the Eve of and During the Patriotic War of 1812

The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line in 1812

«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia
12 June 2019
Bylye Gody
«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine and the Influence of Russian Judicial Practice (middle XVII – XVIII centuries)
10 June 2019
Bylye Gody
Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine and the Influence of Russian Judicial Practice (middle XVII – XVIII centuries)

Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine (middle XVII — XVIII centuries)

A Sixteenth Century Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress
09 June 2019
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
A Sixteenth Century Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress

Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress

The Regional Identity and the Unions of the Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century
07 June 2019
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
The Regional Identity and the Unions of the Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century

Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century

Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine in the scientific heritage of academician K.G. Voblyi’s
06 June 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine in the scientific heritage of academician K.G. Voblyi’s

Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine

Tavern-keeping in the Hetmanate period of the XVIII century: the influence on behavioral strategy of ukrainian society
05 June 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
Tavern-keeping in the Hetmanate period of the XVIII century: the influence on behavioral strategy of ukrainian society

Tavern-keeping in the Hetmanate period of the XVIII century

Ukrainian Television During the «Perestroika» Era in the Context of the Cultural Trauma of Soviet Society
03 June 2019
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
Ukrainian Television During the «Perestroika» Era in the Context of the Cultural Trauma of Soviet Society

Ukrainian Television During the «Perestroika» Era 

An Episode in the Diplomatic Relationship between Byzantines and Ottonians: The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II
29 May 2019
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
An Episode in the Diplomatic Relationship between Byzantines and Ottonians: The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II

The Marriage of Princess Theophano and Otto II

Hermeneutic Analysis of the Media Text (Example: Soviet Cinema of Stalinism Times about University Students)
24 May 2019
Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya
Hermeneutic Analysis of the Media Text (Example: Soviet Cinema of Stalinism Times about University Students)

Soviet Cinema of Stalinism Times about University Students

The Slavic World in A.V. Suvorov’s Letters
22 May 2019
The Slavic World in A.V. Suvorov’s Letters

The Slavic World in A.V. Suvorov’s Letters

Heroes, conflicts and reconciliations in Romanian-Hungarian sport confrontations
20 May 2019
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Heroes, conflicts and reconciliations in Romanian-Hungarian sport confrontations

Сonflicts and reconciliations in Romanian-Hungarian sport confrontations

Secretary of State Byrnes, the US East European policy and the Moscow Conference of December 1945
19 May 2019
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Secretary of State Byrnes, the US East European policy and the Moscow Conference of December 1945

Moscow Conference of December 1945

Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945–1946: Structure and Forms of Czechoslovak Resistance
17 May 2019
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945–1946: Structure and Forms of Czechoslovak Resistance

Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945—1946

Toy Fragments Discovered In Northern Vicus Of Războieni-Cetate (Alba County)
15 May 2019
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Toy Fragments Discovered In Northern Vicus Of Războieni-Cetate (Alba County)

Toy Fragments Discovered In Northern Vicus Of Războieni-Cetate

Attempts Of The Polish Nobility (Szlachta) To Become Part Of The Bessarabian Nobility In The First Half Of The 19th Century
12 May 2019
Attempts Of The Polish Nobility (Szlachta) To Become Part Of The Bessarabian Nobility In The First Half Of The 19th Century

Attempts Of The Polish Nobility (Szlachta) To Become Part Of The Bessarabian Nobility 

Trans-Danubian Migrants In Moldavian Documents Of The Late 18th – Early 19th Centuries
11 May 2019
Trans-Danubian Migrants In Moldavian Documents Of The Late 18th – Early 19th Centuries

Trans-Danubian Migrants In Moldavian Documents 

The Peninsula of the Southern Front in the July offensive of 1943
09 May 2019
Journal of International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
The Peninsula of the Southern Front in the July offensive of 1943

The Peninsula of the Southern Front 

Mountain Archaeology in Romania: The Status of Research
06 May 2019
Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis
Mountain Archaeology in Romania: The Status of Research

Mountain Archaeology in Romania

Barbarians of the Black Sea Region in the Struggle Between Constantine I and Licinius
05 May 2019
Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabesiensis
Barbarians of the Black Sea Region in the Struggle Between Constantine I and Licinius

Barbarians of the Black Sea Region 

The German Topos of Ukraine as a Lost Homeland: Ukrainian Topography in the Poem “Flight Into Kyiv” by Hans-Ulrich Treichel
03 May 2019
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
The German Topos of Ukraine as a Lost Homeland: Ukrainian Topography in the Poem “Flight Into Kyiv” by Hans-Ulrich Treichel

Ukrainian Topography in the Poem “Flight Into Kyiv” by Hans-Ulrich Treichel

Chornobyl as an Open Air Museum: A Polysemic Exploration of Power and Inner Self
02 May 2019
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
Chornobyl as an Open Air Museum: A Polysemic Exploration of Power and Inner Self

Chornobyl as an Open Air Museum

On Andrii Malyshko’s “Second Birth”
30 April 2019
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
On Andrii Malyshko’s “Second Birth”

About ukrainian poet Andrii Malyshko

The Perception of Germany in the Kyivan Press: From Ukrainian People’s Republic to the Hetmanate (November 1917 — December 1918)
30 April 2019
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
The Perception of Germany in the Kyivan Press: From Ukrainian People’s Republic to the Hetmanate (November 1917 — December 1918)

The Perception of Germany in the Kyivan Press (November 1917 — December 1918)

Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization at the beginning of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774
28 April 2019
Russkaya Starina
Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization at the beginning of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774

Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization: 1768—1774

Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army (on Pages of Letters and Diaries of Soviet Jews of 1941–1945)
27 April 2019
Russkaya Starina
Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army (on Pages of Letters and Diaries of Soviet Jews of 1941–1945)

Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army: 1941—1945

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