Scientific Information Agency


Votkinsk’s Roots of the Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov
20 October 2019
Journal of International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
Votkinsk’s Roots of the Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov

Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov

Tsar Mikhail Romanov: His Entry into Power
17 October 2019
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Tsar Mikhail Romanov: His Entry into Power

Tsar Mikhail Romanov

Disputable Issues in the Russian History of the 16th Century
15 October 2019
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Disputable Issues in the Russian History of the 16th Century

Disputable Issues in the Russian History 

Institutional Framework of Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
14 October 2019
Bylye Gody
Institutional Framework of Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia

Youth Tourism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia

The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate (the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries)
12 October 2019
European Journal of Contemporary Education
The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate (the Second Half of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries)

The History of the Public Education System in Vilna Governorate

Security Service Resistance to the Economic and Financial Misuses in OUN and UPA Underground Networks
09 October 2019
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Security Service Resistance to the Economic and Financial Misuses in OUN and UPA Underground Networks

Financial Misuses in OUN and UPA

Unknown Documents of 1734 About Swedish Citizens Taken Into Serfdom
07 October 2019
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Unknown Documents of 1734 About Swedish Citizens Taken Into Serfdom

Unknown Documents of 1734 About Swedish Citizens

Propaganda Campaign at the South-Western Front of the First World War: Analysis of Historiography
05 October 2019
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Propaganda Campaign at the South-Western Front of the First World War: Analysis of Historiography

Propaganda Campaign at the South-Western Front of the First World War

Faith, hope, authority: Healing practices in Eastern Podolia region
04 October 2019
Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences
Faith, hope, authority: Healing practices in Eastern Podolia region

Healing practices in Eastern Podolia region

Kosovo in the First Balkan War
03 October 2019
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Kosovo in the First Balkan War

Kosovo in the First Balkan War 1912

Ideology and Demography in Romanian urban centres (1945-1989)
02 October 2019
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Ideology and Demography in Romanian urban centres (1945-1989)

Romanian urban centres (1945-1989)

«Poltava myth» (up to the 310th anniversary of the defense of the city of Poltava from the Swedish army)
27 September 2019
Scientific and theoretical almanac «Grani»
«Poltava myth» (up to the 310th anniversary of the defense of the city of Poltava from the Swedish army)

310th anniversary of the defense of the city of Poltava from the Swedish army

Nuremberg Jetons of XVI–XIX centuries in Russia
25 September 2019
Bylye Gody
Nuremberg Jetons of XVI–XIX centuries in Russia

Nuremberg Jetons of XVI—XIX centuries

From the Antichrist to the Revolutionary: Peter the Great in the National Socio-Historical Discourse of the XVIII – early XX century
23 September 2019
Bylye Gody
From the Antichrist to the Revolutionary: Peter the Great in the National Socio-Historical Discourse of the XVIII – early XX century

Peter the Great in the National Socio-Historical Discourse 

The demographic structure of the ukrainian ethnic group in the Czech Republic during 2001–2016
20 September 2019
Historical and political researches
The demographic structure of the ukrainian ethnic group in the Czech Republic during 2001–2016

Ukrainian ethnic group inthe Czech Republic

Graphic sources on the history of the Northern Black Sea region in archival collections
18 September 2019
Historical and political researches
Graphic sources on the history of the Northern Black Sea region in archival collections

Graphic sources on the history of the Northern Black Sea region 

Sorbian Members of the People’s Chamber in the GDR (1949–1990)
16 September 2019
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Sorbian Members of the People’s Chamber in the GDR (1949–1990)

Sorbian Members of the People’s Chamber in the GDR

The Essence of State Social Policy in Czechoslovakia in the Years of the First Republic (1918–1938)
15 September 2019
Czech-Polish Historic and Pedagogical Journal
The Essence of State Social Policy in Czechoslovakia in the Years of the First Republic (1918–1938)

The Essence of State Social Policy in Czechoslovakia (1918—1938)

Revision Commission (Revision-Collegium) in the Napoleonic Free City of Danzig (1807–1814). Genesis, Structure and the Course of the Appeal Proceedings in the Course of Historical and Legal Development
12 September 2019
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Revision Commission (Revision-Collegium) in the Napoleonic Free City of Danzig (1807–1814). Genesis, Structure and the Course of the Appeal Proceedings in the Course of Historical and Legal Development

Revision Commission (Revision-Collegium) in the Napoleonic Free City of Danzig (1807—1814)

Against the 1989–1990 Ending Myth
10 September 2019
Central European History
Against the 1989–1990 Ending Myth

About Federal Republic transforms in 1989—1990

The Crisis and Collapse of Early Slavic States and Their Reconstruction (the Ninth–Eleventh Centuries). An Outline of the Problem
08 September 2019
Kwartalnik Historyczny
The Crisis and Collapse of Early Slavic States and Their Reconstruction (the Ninth–Eleventh Centuries). An Outline of the Problem

The Crisis and Collapse of Early Slavic States and Their Reconstruction (the Ninth—Eleventh Centuries)

Political Catholicism in Poland in 1945–1948. An Overview of Political Activity of Catholics
07 September 2019
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Political Catholicism in Poland in 1945–1948. An Overview of Political Activity of Catholics

Political Catholicism in Poland in 1945—1948

Emperor Prus, Emperor Augustus’ brother, in Russian and anti-Russian propaganda in the second half of the 16th century
05 September 2019
History Notebooks
Emperor Prus, Emperor Augustus’ brother, in Russian and anti-Russian propaganda in the second half of the 16th century

Russian and anti-Russian propaganda in the second half of the 16th century

John III Sobieski towards the Romanian principalities and the Hungarian uprising
04 September 2019
History Notebooks
John III Sobieski towards the Romanian principalities and the Hungarian uprising

Policy of John III Sobieski

Why could the political propaganda of John III Sobieski not be eff ective?
03 September 2019
History Notebooks
Why could the political propaganda of John III Sobieski not be eff ective?

Propaganda of John III Sobieski

Newest Historiographic Studies of the Ukrainian Icon-Painting of The Last Judgment
24 August 2019
Newest Historiographic Studies of the Ukrainian Icon-Painting of The Last Judgment

Ukrainian Icon-Painting of The Last Judgment

Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine During the Post-Reform Period
21 August 2019
Ukrainian Peasant
Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine During the Post-Reform Period

Volost Assemblies in Right-Bank Ukraine

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