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Mykola Khomychevsky: Materials for a Biography (To the 120th Anniversary)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Mykola Khomychevsky: Materials for a Biography (To the 120th Anniversary)

Mykola Khomychevsky: Materials for a Biography

The Recruiting Duty as a Means of Punishment of the Poles in the Right-Bank-Ukraine by the Russian Autocracy For Participation in the Rebellions in 1830-1831 and 1863
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
The Recruiting Duty as a Means of Punishment of the Poles in the Right-Bank-Ukraine by the Russian Autocracy For Participation in the Rebellions in 1830-1831 and 1863

The Recruiting Duty as a Means of Punishment of the Poles in the Right-Bank-Ukraine by the Russian Autocracy

Greece and the Greeks in the Works of A.P. Chekhov
Russkaya Starina
Greece and the Greeks in the Works of A.P. Chekhov

Greece and the Greeks in the Works of A.P. Chekhov

Provoking a War: Polish Fake Documents in Warsaw’s 17th century Eastern Policy
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Provoking a War: Polish Fake Documents in Warsaw’s 17th century Eastern Policy

Polish Fake Documents in Warsaw’s 17th century Eastern Policy

Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian during World War I
East European Historical Bulletin
Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian during World War I

Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian

Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna (Over Dnipro Land)
East European Historical Bulletin
Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna (Over Dnipro Land)

Napoleon Russian Forged Assignations in Naddniprianshchyna 

Positive And Negative Aspects in the Management of the Dacian Fortresses in the Orăștie Mountains Listed Among Unesco World Heritage Sites
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Positive And Negative Aspects in the Management of the Dacian Fortresses in the Orăștie Mountains Listed Among Unesco World Heritage Sites

Positive And Negative Aspects in the Management of the Dacian Fortresses in the Orăștie Mountains

A Conceptual Framework to Approaching Late Antique Villa Transformational Trajectories
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
A Conceptual Framework to Approaching Late Antique Villa Transformational Trajectories

Late Antique Villa 

The Meetings Between Faisal and Britain about The Sharing of Middle East During The Paris Peace Conference
History Studies. International Journal of History
The Meetings Between Faisal and Britain about The Sharing of Middle East During The Paris Peace Conference

Middle East During The Paris Peace Conference

An Intervention Tool of the USA in Macedonia during the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century: Protestant Missionaries
History Studies. International Journal of History
An Intervention Tool of the USA in Macedonia during the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century: Protestant Missionaries

An Intervention Tool of the USA in Macedonia during the end of the 19th Century 

Ways of modernization of the city telephone networks of the USSR in the post-war period (1945-1965)
Tomsk State University Journal of History
Ways of modernization of the city telephone networks of the USSR in the post-war period (1945-1965)

Ways of modernization of the city telephone networks of the USSR 

D.A. Kraynov as the researcher of the Stone age of Crimea
Tomsk State University Journal of History
D.A. Kraynov as the researcher of the Stone age of Crimea

Stone age of Crimea

Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880–1890 and Host Ataman Prince N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880–1890 and Host Ataman Prince N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky

Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880—1890

The Potential of Museums in the Mediation of Science and Technology. Museum Presentation and Education on the Example of the Technical Museum in Brno (Czech Republic)
European Journal of Contemporary Education
The Potential of Museums in the Mediation of Science and Technology. Museum Presentation and Education on the Example of the Technical Museum in Brno (Czech Republic)

The Potential of Museums in the Mediation of Science and Technology

Two sacral artifacts of Trypillia culture from the collection of Vikenty Khvoyka
Revista Arheologică
Two sacral artifacts of Trypillia culture from the collection of Vikenty Khvoyka

Two sacral artifacts of Trypillia culture 

Horse bridle sets of the northern Black Sea region
Revista Arheologică
Horse bridle sets of the northern Black Sea region

Horse bridle sets of the end of the VI-III century BC

Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941– 1944 (Based on the Materials of Newspaper Golos Kryma)
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941– 1944 (Based on the Materials of Newspaper Golos Kryma)

Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941— 1944

Garrison Artillery in Northwest Russia in the 1710s: Management Features
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Garrison Artillery in Northwest Russia in the 1710s: Management Features

Garrison Artillery in Northwest Russia in the 1710s

The Results of Studying the Technique of Making Golden Horde Products Made of Non-Ferrous Metals (from the Collection of the Volgograd Regional Museum of Local Lore)
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
The Results of Studying the Technique of Making Golden Horde Products Made of Non-Ferrous Metals (from the Collection of the Volgograd Regional Museum of Local Lore)

The Results of Studying the Technique of Making Golden Horde Products Made of Non-Ferrous Metals

Archive Education in Ukraine: State And Prospects
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
Archive Education in Ukraine: State And Prospects

Archive Education in Ukraine

The Origins And Typology of “Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions
Sumy Historical and Archival Journal
The Origins And Typology of “Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions

“Defense Manors” of Chernigiv Regions

Regulation of the Activities of Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine By Provincial Chancelleries in the Second Half of the Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries
Ancient Sumy Land
Regulation of the Activities of Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine By Provincial Chancelleries in the Second Half of the Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Centuries

Creditand Banking Institutions of the Dnieper Ukraine in the Second Half of the XIX And Early XX Centuries

To the History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations (March 1921)
Ancient Sumy Land
To the History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations (March 1921)

History of Ukrainian-Bulgarian Diplomatic Relations

The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line on the Eve of and During the Patriotic War of 1812
Bylye Gody
The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line on the Eve of and During the Patriotic War of 1812

The Russian-Turkish and Russian-Persian Front Line in 1812

«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia
Bylye Gody
«Тhе Letters of the Russian Traveler» by N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

N.M. Karamzin about Cultural and Social Development of the Countries of Western Europe and Russia

Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine and the Influence of Russian Judicial Practice (middle XVII – XVIII centuries)
Bylye Gody
Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine and the Influence of Russian Judicial Practice (middle XVII – XVIII centuries)

Justice System of Northeastern Ukraine (middle XVII — XVIII centuries)

A Sixteenth Century Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
A Sixteenth Century Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress

Ivory Diptych Sundial Discovered in Deva Fortress

The Regional Identity and the Unions of the Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century
Terra Sebvs. Acta Mvsei Sabesiensis
The Regional Identity and the Unions of the Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century

Transylvanian Estates during the First Half of the Fifteenth Century

Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine in the scientific heritage of academician K.G. Voblyi’s
Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine in the scientific heritage of academician K.G. Voblyi’s

Development of Sugar Industry to Naddnepryans’ka Ukraine

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