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Customs, Border and Quarantine Control Bodies of the Crimean Peninsula in the Late 18th – first half of the 19th century: Regulatory Framework and Personnel Structure
Bylye Gody
Customs, Border and Quarantine Control Bodies of the Crimean Peninsula in the Late 18th – first half of the 19th century: Regulatory Framework and Personnel Structure

Customs, Border and Quarantine Control Bodies of the Crimean Peninsula in the Late 18th — first half of the 19th cent.

The Socialist League of the New East (Prague, 1925–1929 (30)) as one of the attempts to correct the errors of the international agreements of the Versailles-Washington system
Historical and political researches
The Socialist League of the New East (Prague, 1925–1929 (30)) as one of the attempts to correct the errors of the international agreements of the Versailles-Washington system

Attempts to correct the errors of the international agreements of the Versailles-Washington system

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)
Historical and political researches
The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry in the first post-war decade (1944–1954)

The role of the cinema in social-cultural life of the collective farm peasantry

Reflections on “Conservative Revolution” in Germany and Russian-German Parallels
Ideology and Politics
Reflections on “Conservative Revolution” in Germany and Russian-German Parallels

Reflections on “Conservative Revolution” in Germany 

Separate human remains on settlements of forest-steppe Scythia: review of interpretative approaches
Tomsk State University Journal of History
Separate human remains on settlements of forest-steppe Scythia: review of interpretative approaches

Separate human remains on settlements of forest-steppe Scythia

On the border of civilization-mentality zones in great migration period by archaeological sources
Tomsk State University Journal of History
On the border of civilization-mentality zones in great migration period by archaeological sources

Great migration period by archaeological sources

Anthropological Approach in Researches of the Genocide-Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-1933
Ukrainian Peasant
Anthropological Approach in Researches of the Genocide-Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-1933

Anthropological Approach in Researches of the Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-1933

The Circulation of the “Efimoks With Signs” in Ukraine: The Newest Historiography
Ukrainian Peasant
The Circulation of the “Efimoks With Signs” in Ukraine: The Newest Historiography

The Circulation of the “Efimoks With Signs” in Ukraine

The Agricultural Issue on the First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies
Ukrainian Peasant
The Agricultural Issue on the First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies

First All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies

Priestly Identity in the Czech Lands in 1820-1938 as a Research Topic. Project Evaluation
History Notebooks
Priestly Identity in the Czech Lands in 1820-1938 as a Research Topic. Project Evaluation

Priestly Identity in the Czech Lands in 1820-1938

Trauma of Bystanders, Trauma of Victims? Holocaust and Massacres of Poles in memory of people born in Eastern Galicia
Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences
Trauma of Bystanders, Trauma of Victims? Holocaust and Massacres of Poles in memory of people born in Eastern Galicia

Holocaust and Massacres of Poles

Film Societies in Soviet & Russian Media Education
Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie)
Film Societies in Soviet & Russian Media Education

Film Societies in Media Education

The Cult of Jupiter And of Juno Regina in the Rural Areas of Moesia Inferior
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
The Cult of Jupiter And of Juno Regina in the Rural Areas of Moesia Inferior

The Cult of Jupiter And of Juno Regina 

Chisels of Polished Stone in the Neolithic of North-West Romania
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Chisels of Polished Stone in the Neolithic of North-West Romania

Chisels of Polished Stone

The Catholic Church in Siberia and its Educational Activities for the 19th Century Polish Exiles
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Catholic Church in Siberia and its Educational Activities for the 19th Century Polish Exiles

The Catholic Church in Siberia 

The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Relationship between Schools and Religion in the Czech Lands One Hundred Years Ago

The Relationship between Schools and Religion 

Soviet-Finnish War
Soviet-Finnish War

About Soviet-Finnish War

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin
Historical and political researches
Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 

Polish cinema and actors in Soviet reality
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Polish cinema and actors in Soviet reality

Polish cinema and actors in 1960-1980s

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s

Teohari Georgescu: a short biography of the minister who transformed Romania into a communist state
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Teohari Georgescu: a short biography of the minister who transformed Romania into a communist state

Teohari Georgescu: a short biography 

Dmitri Bantysh-Kamensky’s Impact on the Development of Historical Biographical Studies (According to Contemporary Estimates)
Dmitri Bantysh-Kamensky’s Impact on the Development of Historical Biographical Studies (According to Contemporary Estimates)

Dmitri Bantysh-Kamensky’s Impact on the Development of Historical Biographical Studies

Moldavian campaigns of Ukrainian cossacks in the 1570s
Moldavian campaigns of Ukrainian cossacks in the 1570s

Moldavian campaigns of Ukrainian cossacks 

Starshinsky Estate in the middle of the XVII – beginning of the XVIII century in the Village of Mikhailovka
Journal of International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
Starshinsky Estate in the middle of the XVII – beginning of the XVIII century in the Village of Mikhailovka

Starshinsky Estate in the Village of Mikhailovka

Votkinsk’s Roots of the Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov
Journal of International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research
Votkinsk’s Roots of the Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov

Gunsmith Yevgeny Fedorovich Dragunov

Tsar Mikhail Romanov: His Entry into Power
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Tsar Mikhail Romanov: His Entry into Power

Tsar Mikhail Romanov

Disputable Issues in the Russian History of the 16th Century
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Disputable Issues in the Russian History of the 16th Century

Disputable Issues in the Russian History 

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