The new international system and the Westphalian world order
Europe Since the End of the Cold War
The ancient Poland state system in scientific discuscussions
Church judicial process in the Ukrainian Hetman state
The pocket watches in the collection of the Museum of History — the Altemberger House
Napoleonic Medals in the Brukenthal Museum
Academician of the as of UkSSR V.S. Gutyrya
About “Prosvita” Fellowship in 1917-1922
Mythological Bestiary of the Romanian Fairytale
Aspects of Urban Life in the Romanian Principalities: Cities of Walachia
Czech-Polish Family Relations
The Wallachian Regiments in Army of Charls XII and Peter I
Cossacks and Peasants — Slave-Owners in the Northwest Caucasus
The Village of Emadykino in the XII—XVII centuries
Leaders of Soviet Film Distribution (1930—1991)
The role of secondary school in the training of women (XIX — early XX centuries)
German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners during the First World War
The peasantry during the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921
A. Vaida-Voevod’s Activity at the Paris Conference (1919 — 1920)
Elephants in Hellenistic History and Art
Museums Established in Synagogues in Communist Poland
Water Transport in Transylvania
Scythian Necropolises in Transylvania
Labor Migration of Ukrainians in the USSR
The Population of Voyin (13th — 14th cent.)
Salt Exploitation in Dacia
Slavery in Olbia Polis in the 5th — 3rd Centuries BC
Ancient Settlement Dykyi Sad
Criminal Law in the Kingdom of Poland Between 1815 and 1905