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Land Reform After World War II. Legislation in Poland
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne
Land Reform After World War II. Legislation in Poland

Land Reform After World War II

Underground Publishing, Samizdat and Central Europe
Kwartalnik Historyczny
Underground Publishing, Samizdat and Central Europe

Samizdat and Central Europe

Forest Teams as an Alternative Service of the Mennonites in the Russian Empire Until 1914
Science Journal of Volgograd State University
Forest Teams as an Alternative Service of the Mennonites in the Russian Empire Until 1914

Alternative Service of the Mennonites in the Russian Empire

Petr A. Stolypin and the Russian Nobility
Science Journal of Volgograd State University
Petr A. Stolypin and the Russian Nobility

About Petr Stolypin

Efforts to Get a  Polish Priest for the Pastoral Work in Moravia (1927–1931) in the Light of August Hlond’s (the Primate of Poland) Correspondence
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
Efforts to Get a Polish Priest for the Pastoral Work in Moravia (1927–1931) in the Light of August Hlond’s (the Primate of Poland) Correspondence

Efforts to Get a  Polish Priest for the Pastoral Work in Moravia (1927—1931)

The Lutsk Karaites and the Cultural and Educational Activities of the Karaite Minority in Poland in the Interwar Period
Czech-Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal
The Lutsk Karaites and the Cultural and Educational Activities of the Karaite Minority in Poland in the Interwar Period

The Cultural and Educational Activities of the Karaite Minority in Poland

The Reconstruction of Christian Theodicy in Taras Shevchenko’s Poetry
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
The Reconstruction of Christian Theodicy in Taras Shevchenko’s Poetry

The Christian Theodicy in Taras Shevchenko’s Poetry

The new investigations of Trypillia Culture epynemous site
Revista Arheologică
The new investigations of Trypillia Culture epynemous site

The new investigations of Trypillia Culture 

History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov’s Family and Business, His Private and Public Life
East European History
History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov’s Family and Business, His Private and Public Life

History of Merchant I.M. Kutuzov

The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland» (Kalish-Shchipiorno) autumn 1923 – spring 1924
European Historical Studies
The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland» (Kalish-Shchipiorno) autumn 1923 – spring 1924

The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland»

Hryhorii Poletyka’s Introduction of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Educational Methods in the Russian Empire
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
Hryhorii Poletyka’s Introduction of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Educational Methods in the Russian Empire

Hryhorii Poletyka’s Introduction of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Educational Methods

The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division: From Familiar to Unexplored Avenues of Research
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division: From Familiar to Unexplored Avenues of Research

The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division

States of Central Europe in Establishment of the Official Relations With Soviet Ukraine in the early 1920s
European Historical Studies
States of Central Europe in Establishment of the Official Relations With Soviet Ukraine in the early 1920s

Diplomatic relations Soviet Ukraine in the early 1920s

The Influence of the Legal Press on National-Cultural Life in Chernihivshchyna during the Period of German Occupation (1941–1943)
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
The Influence of the Legal Press on National-Cultural Life in Chernihivshchyna during the Period of German Occupation (1941–1943)

National-Cultural Life of Ukraine during the Period of German Occupation

Describing the Enemy: Images of the Turks and Tatars in “Dzieie tvreckie y utarczki kozackie z tatary” by Marcin Paszkowski
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Describing the Enemy: Images of the Turks and Tatars in “Dzieie tvreckie y utarczki kozackie z tatary” by Marcin Paszkowski

Images of the Turks and Tatars by Marcin Paszkowski

Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev – Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material
Russkaya Starina
Ivan Timofeyevich Kokorev – Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material

Collector of Moscow Folklore and Ethnographic Material

Russia's First Reflux Dredger
Journal of International Network Center
Russia's First Reflux Dredger

About Libava merchant and military port

Was There the Influence of the University Statutes to the Development of Biological Science in Universities of Russian Empire?
Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya
Was There the Influence of the University Statutes to the Development of Biological Science in Universities of Russian Empire?

The Influence of the University Statutes to the Development of Biological Science in Russian Empire

Contributions to the History of the Kishinev Pogroms of 1903 and 1905: Letters from the Fund of Metropolian Arseniy (Stadnitsky)
Russkii Arkhiv
Contributions to the History of the Kishinev Pogroms of 1903 and 1905: Letters from the Fund of Metropolian Arseniy (Stadnitsky)

Contributions to the History of the Kishinev Pogroms of 1903 and 1905

Propaganda in Favour of Humanitarian Interventions as War Propaganda: The Case of the Yugoslav Wars
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Propaganda in Favour of Humanitarian Interventions as War Propaganda: The Case of the Yugoslav Wars

The Case of the Yugoslav Wars

Eugeniu Carada:The Dynamic of Perceptions Across Time
Romanian Journal of History and International Studies
Eugeniu Carada:The Dynamic of Perceptions Across Time

About Eugeniu Carada

Hungarians, Hungary and Turanism
History Studies. International Journal of History
Hungarians, Hungary and Turanism

About Hungarian Turanism

An Assessment of the Actities of German Officers Served in Turkey During the First World War and the Position of Turkish Soldiers
History Studies. International Journal of History
An Assessment of the Actities of German Officers Served in Turkey During the First World War and the Position of Turkish Soldiers

Actities of German Officers in Turkey During the First World War

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations
Royal Divine Coronation Iconography. Preliminary Considerations

Royal Divine Coronation Iconography

Material Living and Social Conditions of Labour Reserves Students Accommodation During the Period of Ukraine Economy Recovery (1943-1950)
Ancient Sumy Land
Material Living and Social Conditions of Labour Reserves Students Accommodation During the Period of Ukraine Economy Recovery (1943-1950)

Material Living and Social Conditions of Labour Reserves Students Accommodation (1943-1950)

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