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Topics by keywords: army

Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809
History Notebooks
Economic consequences of the occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809

Occupation of Galicia by the Russian army in 1809

Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army
Antiquities of Lukomorie
Memoirs of V. Galan as a Source on the History of the Galician Army

History of the Galician Army

A National Army Under the Red Banner? The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919
Contemporary European History
A National Army Under the Red Banner? The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919

The Mobilisation of the Hungarian Red Army in 1919

The Roman frontier in Dobrudja. Several fortifications not excavated or with undetermined planimetric features
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
The Roman frontier in Dobrudja. Several fortifications not excavated or with undetermined planimetric features

The Roman frontier in Dobrudja

Ukrainian Liberal Struggle in Leonid Perfetskyi's battle paintings
European Historical Bulletin
Ukrainian Liberal Struggle in Leonid Perfetskyi's battle paintings

Leonid Perfetskyiʼs battle paintings

Native Units in the Imperial Russian Army during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Native Units in the Imperial Russian Army during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905

Imperial Russian Army during the Russo-Japanese War: 1904—1905

Roman Army and Salt Exploitation in Dacia
Journal of Ancient History and Archeology
Roman Army and Salt Exploitation in Dacia

Salt Exploitation in Dacia

The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland» (Kalish-Shchipiorno) autumn 1923 – spring 1924
European Historical Studies
The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland» (Kalish-Shchipiorno) autumn 1923 – spring 1924

The activity of the «Relief Society for Ukrainian Schooling Youth in the Camps of the Interned in Poland»

The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division: From Familiar to Unexplored Avenues of Research
Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal
The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division: From Familiar to Unexplored Avenues of Research

The Ukrainian “Galicia” Division

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin
Historical and political researches
Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 and their analogue in the «Stratehemas» by Section Juliy Frontin

Cossack’s strategies and stratehemas during the campaign of 1649 

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)
Intermarum: istoriya, polityka, kulʹtura
Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s: organization and performance (Thruogh the recollections of participants)

Mobilization to the active army of the UPR in 1918-1920s

Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian during World War I
East European Historical Bulletin
Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian during World War I

Necropolises of the Austrro-Hungarian Army in Precarpathian

Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880–1890 and Host Ataman Prince N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky
European Journal of Contemporary Education
Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880–1890 and Host Ataman Prince N.I. Svyatopolk-Mirsky

Education Reforms in the Don Region in 1880—1890

Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941– 1944 (Based on the Materials of Newspaper Golos Kryma)
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941– 1944 (Based on the Materials of Newspaper Golos Kryma)

Military Collaboration and Nazi Printed Propaganda on the Territory of Crimea in 1941— 1944

Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945–1946: Structure and Forms of Czechoslovak Resistance
Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts
Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945–1946: Structure and Forms of Czechoslovak Resistance

Propaganda Raids of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army in Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) in 1945—1946

Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization at the beginning of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774
Russkaya Starina
Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization at the beginning of the Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774

Ottoman Army’s Strength and Organization: 1768—1774

Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army (on Pages of Letters and Diaries of Soviet Jews of 1941–1945)
Russkaya Starina
Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army (on Pages of Letters and Diaries of Soviet Jews of 1941–1945)

Love in War. Women and Men in the Red Army: 1941—1945

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art in M.Ja. Sjuzjumov’s Unpublished Works of the 1930–1940s

History of the Byzantine Army and Military Art

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